My Dream

I have a dream,
Even if I’m thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart I have a dream as precious as gem
If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient I would wait just for that day.
As you always worry, You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There’s the reality that we can’t turn back already

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life,
on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I have a dream. I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I, I have a dream I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Selintas Goresan Pendek

~ Pernahkah kau coba membaca,sorot mata dalam menyimpan rindu ?

~ Pernahkah kau menerka,apa yg tersembunyi disudut kalbu ?

Gejolak cinta...mengalir dalam jiwa,tapi kau tlah membuatnya kecewa !

Sejuta impian...berjuta harapan, mengapa tak pernah engkau hiraukan...

~ Gelisah...terus membayangi aku,tak bisa menghapuskan rasa rindu

Sepasang merpati terbang di sekitarku,seolah mengerti,iapun menghampiriku..

Mengajarkan ku tentang kesetiaan...

Menunjukan padaku tentang kasih sayang...

~ Aku iri dengan semua itu !!


Selama hari terus berganti,masih ada waktu untuk saling membuka diri


Sejauh batas pengertian,bukalah pintu hatimu,agar cinta mengalir sebening embun. .

aq yakin.. masih ad setitik rasa di hatimu untuk diriku...
walau kini kita tlah berpisah_
bukan berarti qita musuh... hati aq tlah mencoba membuka pintu maaf untuk qamu yang pernah menggoreskan luka yang amat perih & btuh wktu yg ckup lama untuk aq memulihkannya..

mungkin sepatutnya aq mmbenci kamu... tpi.._ biarlah semua tuhan yang membalasnya_
aq nggak mau ada dendam di hati aq. .
aq cuma berharap nggak akan ada lagi cewex"keyak aq...
yg di sakitin,di hianatin & d'buat kecewa oleh sseorang yang sangat di sayangi (pasangan) ...

aq yakin semua pazti kan indah pada waktunya....
habis gelap terbitlah terang. . .
habis badai terbitlah pelangi. . .
yg kan mnyinari dunia yang dingin dan gelap. . .
aq percya itu...