My Dream

I have a dream,
Even if I’m thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart I have a dream as precious as gem
If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient I would wait just for that day.
As you always worry, You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There’s the reality that we can’t turn back already

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life,
on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I have a dream. I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I, I have a dream I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Minggu, 12 September 2010

lagu untuk My Prince ( menanti cinta sejati )

malam ini hujan turun lagi...
terkenang semua kenangan indah
cinta sejati_

sampai kapan ku terus begini..
selalu berkhayal tentangmu...
yang tax pernah pazti...

walo ku tau smw itu mimpi
tapi hatiku tax pernah..
merasa letih....
oh kekasih....


ku ingin kau da di sini
menemaniku saat ini..
menghapuz zemua rasa sepi
yg selalu.. menyelimuti hati...

ku ingin engkau mengerti
akan cinta suci ini
dan smw pgorbanan penantian
yg tax bertepi.....

ku berjanji padamu kekasih
hingga akhir usiaku nanti
kau slalu di hatiku slamanya....

( sbuah lagu yg aq bwt d'saat stelah dy pergi tuk kmbali ke tempat tinggalY....
di saat setelah aq pulg ri jlan"ma sseorg yg selalu aq nantikan... yg slalu aq rindukan kdtgny...
sseorg yg g kan pernah terlupkan olehQ.....
dan g kan pernah tergantikan oleh siapapun......
karna hati nie dah memptri lok dy lah cinta sejati di hidupQ...
wlo ku tw..... hnya mimpi tuk aq bza brzma dy dlm zbuah ikatan kekasih......
krna aq sadar... dy terlalu sempurna untukQ....
dan tax mungkin bza ku meraihY......
tapi aq sllu berhrap....
swtu saat nanti dy kan mngerti akan cinta ini...
dan dtg kmbali kesini... untuku_
aq mmg hruz brzabar jka aq ingin brtmu dgnY....
krna hya lebaran dy dtg ke kota nie...
tapi aq bza.... aq bza nggu dy mpe'1thun lbh cuma untk brtemu n jln m dy wlo cuma sebntar......
dan itu sgat b'arti wat aq....
krna..... aq sgt mncintainya_.....
ap dy pernah syg m aq?????????
ap aq jga ad di slah stu ruang kecil di hatiY??????
hmmmz...... biar waktu nnti yg mnjwb zmwY....
aq percya cinta sejati tax kan pernah mati. . . )

4ever Love